Monday, July 21, 2008

Fires at the cabin!

This last summer me and Tyler went up the Grandma and Grandpa Foxs' cabin up in Fairveiw. While up there we helped them cutdown the dead trees and the dead fall and burned them so we could make room for new growth. It was so hot, but so fun just to be up there enjoying the mountains. Grandpa Fox just loves Tyler because he is always willing to help and he is always telling me that I did good in marrying him. I agree! Thanks Tyler for always jumping in and helping!


Ginny Connelly said...

I have to agree with you. You did good in marrying Tyler. He's a great kid, always has been. I love looking at your blog and seeing what everyone is doing. Keep up the great work. Wish we could see you and Tyler and the Faddis family more often.

Kim P said...

Hi guys! I like your new blog!

Trying to be said...

cute. love it! its fun isnt it!?!

K-SUN said...

Loo Loo,

I love your background! Keep up with the blog it seems like you got it figured out.

The Wards said...

Thanks for inviting us to your blog - I am Jake's (Tyler's parter at work) wife, Marcie, and have heard so many great things about your family. Tyler has been so nice to let Jake and Thayne see the horses and feed the baby cows. Anyway, you have a great family and it's fun to read your blog! P.S. I have a picture that is almost identical to the one with Tyler by the fire, but of course, it is of Jake - seriously, almost identical. Sorry this is so long!