Saturday, December 27, 2008


So this year we spent christmas eve with Tylers family and then went and slept over at Laceys parents house for christmas morning!!! Here are some pictures of our fun times we had!
Tyler, his Dad, and Ryan Cole and Tylers Dad

Tylers mom, Kim, and Emily

Lacey and Raegan

Lacey and Tyler

Us in our Christmas PJs

Rachelle, Carissa, and Sam waiting to open presents

Krueger walking past the christmas tree and presents

Tylers nerf gun my bro gave him

Tyler with my brothers playing the wii


Daniel & Shandi said...

HEY Tyler! (and Lacey) I just found your blog on Abbee Turchetta's. Let me know if you want to be added to my blog. It's been a long time. I hope you both are doing great. **It looks like you two have a bunch of fun.**