Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving and the Tree

So sorry I haven't wrote for a while, things have been kinda busy. So thanksgiving was really good this year, as it is every year. We went to Tylers mom and dads this year and had lots of yummy food, including candied yams(my favorite). We watched Christmas Vacation(a tradition), ate pie, and then played the wii. What a great day! Thanks family for the good time!

On saturday we went with Cameron, Laura, and Kaycee up to the mountains to cut a Christmas tree down. We had to hike around for a little while to find the write one, but we finally found it! Thanks Cam and Lala for taking us!
Searching for the right tree!
Our Tree!
This is our Tree some what decorated!


Hyrum And Tiffany said...

Cute Tree! Sounds like you guys had a great Thanksgiving.... i am glad!

Trying to be said...

your tree looks good!! better than how ours turned out. :)