Monday, March 30, 2009

Got Sand???

This last Saturday we went with Tylers family to the Sand Dunes! It was so fun to get out and have a blast. We took hot dogs, chips and snacks for a picnic and everybody brought their 4-wheelers to go crazy in the sand. It was a great outing for everyone! Here are some pictures!

Tyler and Justin starting a fire

Cole, Raegan, and Kaycee playing in the sand

Me and Tyler on our 4wheeler
Cameron and Tyler
The kids being pulled by the 4wheeler
Cameron pulling Tyler on the sled


Daniel & Shandi said...

DANG!!! so much fun!

Kim P said...

Good times, good times!

The Wards said...

What a perfect way to enjoy the warmer (not too warm, yet) weather!!! Cute pictures!!

AandS said...

I haven't been to sand dunes for ages. That look so much fun. Next time Seth and I will need to hit there!