Friday, May 1, 2009


So I am so excited for SPRING! I love the cool but not to cool weather. The flowers, the green grass, the fresh smell outside, and so so much more....... My parents invited us over for a hot dog roasting party on wednesday night and it was so fun to have a fire out back and enjoy each others company. Of course I don't have any pics because i forgot my camera again.
Another semester is over for Tyler and he is so excited because he doesn't have to take any summer classes this year. Now he can actually dedicate time to start training Peanut and get Rio back into shape(our 2 horses), which he is very excited to do. No more going to bed after 12 because of home work(at least until next semester). Which reminds me that I haven't said that we are moving to Logan yet. Yup, you read it right, we will be going up to Utah State University for Tylers schooling the next couple of years, GO AGGIES! We will be leaving in August. It is going to be hard, but we are excited for the adventure it will be. I am kinda stressing about finding a place to live and finding a dental assisting job up there, but I know everything will work out! Wish us luck!


Daniel & Shandi said...

So fun! Good luck up at Utah State.

Ginny Connelly said...

Oh my gosh...Logan is sooo far away. I hope that everything goes well for you two. Good luck with everything.

Lenard said...

Wow LOgan, that will definitely be a change for you guys! Hope the move and everything goes well, good luck up there!

AandS said...

Have a great time at Utah State. Enjoy college while you can - fun times! Have fun and I can't wait to hear updates