Thursday, August 27, 2009


So Bella is getting way to big. We got her when she was 1 1/2 months old and she is now only 3 1/2 and has pretty much doubled in size. When we got her we had to make an extra hole in her collar and now she is on the very last hole already! Her paws are huge! I wish she could have stayed little her whole life she was so cute! Well I guess she is still cute, just not as cuddly. She is getting pretty good at playing fetch with Tyler and he gets so excited when she puts her nose to the ground to sniff something out! She is getting pretty smart, but still has a hard time paying attention and minding. Here is a picture of her when we first got her so you can see how she has grown:
she is so small and cute
Tyler and Bella in our backyard

taking the ball back to Tyler

She is getting very good at sitting there until Tyler throws the ball


Daniel & Shandi said...

What a cute dog! (since we both don't have kids we can talk like our dogs are people...haha) with saying that, time goes by so fast. We got our first dog 8 weeks after we got married. She'll be 5 in November. I can't believe it. Enjoy the puppy and they really grow quick!

Lonnie and Lindsay Fox said...

Wait til you have kids. Then you will be really sad how fast they grow.

Trying to be said...

I really cant believe how big she is getting. It was fun to see you guys this last weekend!! Sounds like we will be seeing ya again this weekend!! :)