So life is pretty good right now. We went for a little walk today on the pathway alongside the canal by our house, I love Sunday strolls! Tyler is doing pretty good in school although he has had some pretty tough classes which include: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Chemistry, Physics, Statics, and Surveying. He is such a trooper and hardly ever complains even though he is at school all day and then does homework until 12:30 about every night. He is such a hard worker and I am so proud of him! How did I ever get so lucky! As for me I am still working as Dental Assistant at an Endodontic office here in Logan which I am liking. The Endodontist I work for is such a good guy and always keeps the conversation lively while we are working. I thought at first that it would get boring doing root canals all day everyday, but it really hasn't been bad and normally the days go by pretty quickly.
We are loving it up here in Logan the community is so nice and the ward we are in has been very welcoming. I am now in the Young Womens as the beehive advisor and Tyler was just called today to be a Sunday School teacher for the older kids. The weather has been alot like it has been in utah county maybe just a little cooler. On Tuesday it snowed almost all day and we ended up with about 2 inches of snow which melted quickly. I am a little nervous as the weather gets more into winter, but I am sure we will survive. Well that is what is up with us and we hope everything is going well for everyone of you!
Tyler and Bella on our walk

Tyler and Bella on our walk
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