Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! Sorry about the no pictures thing once again the camera was left on the table at home! Maybe some day I will be better at remembering! We had Thanksgiving dinner at my Uncle Brad and Aunt Cathy's house this year with my dads side of the family and had a wonderful time! After dinner we got a group of my cousins, aunts and uncles together and played some NERTS(not sure how to spell it). This is one of my all time favorite games even though I lose a lot it is just to fast and fun! On Saturday my Moms side of the family got together for our Christmas party at Classic Skating! It was so fun to skate around and dance to the music! Those 4 wheeled skates are a blast! After the party I was able to go to Lunch at the Olive Garden with to of my favorite people, Kari and Abbee! Kari (my cousin), Abbee, and I have had some pretty good time together! It was good to sit down and have some friends time! They are trying to talk me into doing a triathalon with them in next May. I guess I better get my butt in gear! We had such a great week hangin with family and friends and can't wait till we can come down from Logan to visit again! Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving too!


Kellie and McKay said...

Lacey! I want pictures! I'm glad you had a fun Thanksgiving too. I do miss your face (especially at work). Put pics up soon Ok? Ok.

Daniel & Shandi said...

I'm so glad you had such a great Thanksgiving!

put your camera in your purse or your car. I love seeing pictures of you two. :)