So Tyler has finished one more semester of school!!! Yeah!!! Way to go Tyler!!! Now just 5 more semesters to go.
He will be taking 3 classes this summer and working part time laying carpet. He is such a trooper!
Anyway to celebrate the ending of another semester we had a couple of the guys he goes to school with, that have become good friends, come over with their wives to our house for a BBQ on Monday night. It was so much fun!!! We had burgers and played lots of games and I think that all the guys are just relieved they didn't have to do homework afterwords!
left to right: Brady and Brittany, Tyler, Whitney and Tyrell.
Anyway to celebrate the ending of another semester we had a couple of the guys he goes to school with, that have become good friends, come over with their wives to our house for a BBQ on Monday night. It was so much fun!!! We had burgers and played lots of games and I think that all the guys are just relieved they didn't have to do homework afterwords!
looks like your having fun! 5 more semesters will go by fast.
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