Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Tyler, Me, Ethan, and my G-ma and G-pa Fox headed up to the cabin a couple weekends ago to get firewood for the winter. Oh and Bella came too we can't forget her, she just loves the cabin! Tyler was kinda dreading the trip because he know how sore he was going to be after chopping all that firewood, but grandpa actually borrowed a log splitter from a neighbor up there and holy cow did that make things so much easier. So not only was Tyler not sore, we got so much more wood. We filled the entire 2 horse trailer up and the back of grandpa's truck was overflowing. Bella sure had a good time too, by the end of the trip she was a pro at jumping in the pond and fetching the sticks we would throw in. I felt so bad though because on the last day bella and my brother Ethan were down in the meadow and she spotted a little cotton tail bunny and pounced on it and killed it! It was so sad, but kind of funny at the same time because she was so proud of herself. Oh well.

One of my favorite place: The Cabin

Bella jumping after a stick

The bunny she killed

Proudly walking it around

Sitting on the job

Ethan and grandpa working the log splitter

They had 3 chainsaws going at once

Taking a little rest

Grandma and Grandpa

All that wood made the chainsaw a little dull