Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Birthday

I had a wonderful relaxing birthday this year!!! Tyler had school all day and since it ended up on a Wednesday I didn't have work, so i got to sleep in and go to the gym and then just be lazy and do whatever I wanted. When Tyler got home he took me here....

for dinner. It was so yummy!

Then he took me to Charlie's to get my most favorite mint oreo shake:)

Then we went to the Red Box and he told me to pick whatever movie I wanted...... So when I picked this one.....

He winced, but just said "whatever you want dear" hehehe ;)
For those of you who know Tyler this is a pretty big feat. He even stayed awake the whole movie and only made one or two sarcastic comments.... This has given me hope!!!!

Thanks dear for making me feel so special on my birthday and loving me unconditionally.
Love you Tonz!

Tyler also finished my Jewelry frame just in time for my Birthday!!! Thanks babe, I love it!


Chanda said...

happy birthday last week!