Saturday, September 8, 2012


 So much has happened since the spring that it feels like we are living a whole new life! After living in Tyler's parents house trailer for almost 3 months in Roosevelt, I am pleased to announce that we finally were able to buy a house!  It took a lot longer than we thought, but we are so grateful to finally feel like we can settle down.  It makes the area feel more like home to have a place of our own!  We both got new jobs at the end of May and...........

We also announced recently that we are expecting a NEW BABY BOY in January!  We are so excited for this new adventure and are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for this blessing! In the last few weeks I have been feeling him move so much and it is the weirdest thing ever, but so cool! I was out looking at fabric with my mom and sister and seen the cutest little camo baby boots! They fit Tyler's personality perfectly and even though they were way to much I had to have them for our little guy!
(Sorry they are sideways, for some reason I can't get them to turn) 

Here is a picture of me at 20 weeks!


Chanda said...

congrats to you guys! babies are such good news!! and getting a house is so fun!!!

Joanne Barragan said...

That’s a great move! After 3 years of living with your in-laws, now you have your own house, one you can really call your own! Isn’t that wonderful? It’s already February, allow me to congratulate you for your new baby boy! By the way, is he your first child?