Hey guys, hope everything is going well for everyone. This last saturday me and Tyler took a little trip up American Fork canyon to the timponogus cave. We ended up hiking up to the cave and then going through it. I haven't done that since I was a little girl and it was so fun. It was good just to spend some one on one time with my hubby and get a little exercise at the same time(which I am kinda regretting now because I am walking around like a gimp today because I am so sore!). The cave was awsome to walk through and very cold, but it was all worth it. We had such a great time! Hopefully we can keep doing things like this because I loved it. Love you all have a great day!

sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!
Good times! I wanted to hike Timp this summer, but it looks like the summer is slowly disappearing. Have fun on you Cali vacation.
I am jealous. We would love to do that. Glad you had a great time!
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